yea, I'm small. Got a problem with that? u people shouldn't judge a person by her physical traits. if u do, then u r not matured enough.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
a day out with aishah...
i met aishah today.. finally!! hehee.. da lama da xjmp mnh sorang nih.. rindu btul kat dia.. so, i met her with her maksu n kak long. its fun. we just fill in da time just roaming around ou n catch up with da past.. luv ya aishah.. :D
whut bout me?ko xrindu aku ke?aku xrndu ko pn,ahahaha.ikhlas ohh.*wink.
ceh.. minah nih,..
duh, of course la ka miss ko gak..
boring dowh duk kat umah..
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